A Minecraft-style Magic Missile featuring a large mana battery at its core. Surrounding the battery, there are four tower-like structures, each positioned at a different side of the missile. Atop each tower sits a glowing purple crystal, which channels mana directly into the central battery. The entire structure should have a blocky, pixelated aesthetic typical of Minecraft, with clear visual cues that the crystals are supplying energy to the mana battery. use this https://prnt.sc/gwLFhRi0U7GQ

A Minecraft-style Magic Missile featuring a large mana battery at its core. Surrounding the battery, there are four tower-like structures, each positioned at a different side of the missile. Atop each tower sits a glowing purple crystal, which channels mana directly into the central battery. The entire structure should have a blocky, pixelated aesthetic typical of Minecraft, with clear visual cues that the crystals are supplying energy to the mana battery.

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